Grow your business on auto-pilot and make your website Work for you.Need a web design company that puts you on top?
We do E-CommercedatabasesIDX websitesshopping cartsWordpress blogssales automationweb designweb hostinginternet marketingserver management for businesses 24/7/365.
MetalSoftware is a U.S. based web design company that specializes in custom website search engines that handle complex data. We utilize the latest technologies to integrate beautiful responsive designs with your marketing strategy. From E-Commerce shopping sites to real estate web design with IDX/VOW/RETS; we make it happen.
More of What We Do
Internet Marketing
We can help you harness the power of social media, search engines and display ads to drive the right users to your website.
Responsive Web Design
With the myriad of digital devices in use today from, iPads/Tablets, iPhones/Smartphones to Laptops and Desktops you need a business website design that looks good on any device big or small.
Structured Search
You could spend weeks trying to manage 1000's of products, property listings, classifieds or events. Why not automate all of it and present it to your site visitors in a way they can find it? MetalSoftware can build a custom search engine just for your data.
Web Hosting
Our business hosting services come with enterprise level features you won't find at G*D@ddy! We protect your data against catastrophic failures, hackers, power failures, viruses and malware 24/7/365.